Thursday, February 23, 2012

Assignment 8

In 100 words minimum, describe what you learned in the course that most surprised you and that you are least likely to forget. Post your answer as a comment to “Assignment 8” in the blog.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Assingment 7

Please post your blog contribution as a comment to “Assignment 7” between 5 pm Friday, Feb. 18 and 5 pm Saturday, Feb. 18.

From any of the first 208 pages in HoS, pick an incident that exemplifies racial injustice. In 100 words, briefly describe it and analyze what is unjust about the incident.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Look for two examples in the poems by Pablo Neruda (MLAH, pp. 170-173) that depict essential aspects of neocolonialism. Pick two quotes and analyze how each quote illustrates neocolonial outcomes. (Note: Neruda is a character named “the poet” in The House of the Spirits). Post your quotes and analysis on the blog as comments to “Neruda.”